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What are the age requirements for your program?
SSCC accepts boys and girls ages 4 through 19
Why should my child choose SSCC?
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Our Program is the most affordable and fun cheer program around! We love to coach the children, and we encourage our athletes in more aspects than just performance. We believe in having fun while working hard!
Besides team practice are there any other obligations that my athlete needs to make?
Team practices occur one to three times per week dependent upon which team you are on and are mandatory. In addition to this, athletes on the Mini team and above are required to take tumbling class once a week which are included in your registration. Competitions are mandatory and we ask that all participate in our fundraisers which help pay for our children to compete.
What is my athlete required to wear and bring to practice?
All athletes should wear comfortable work out gear, preferably SSCC gear. They should also wear cheer shoes and hair MUST be in a high ponytail with all hair away from the athletes face. No jewelry is to be worn at any time, including earrings, necklaces, bracelets ,rings, watches and belly button jewelry.
At competitions, athletes are expected to be in full uniform with hair completely done with bow in at all times! Athletes may wear SSCC shirts or hoodies over their uniforms when not performing or practicing. However, no other clothing besides the uniform, SSCC gear and cheer shoes are to be worn while at the competition.
Athletes are also to bring water to practice.
What is the cost of the program?
Our program is the MOST AFFORDABLE program around! There are NO HIDDEN FEES. We have an early bird discount available and sibling discounts as well! Our programs registration includes an item of practice wear, practice bow, one pair of competition socks, uniform essentials (under garments such as briefs or midriffs if needed), choreography fees and music fees, tumbling (Mini squad and above) . Sneakers are not included but will be available to order in September. Please see registration page for registration fees and any current specials.
Competition fees are offset by our FUNdraisers! Fundraising is a requirement to participate as it pays for our competitions and end of season celebration.
What are the fundraisers?
We truly put a lot of thought into making our fundraisers fun, useful and effective! We organize and ask our families and athletes participate in all fundraising. Our fundraisers enable our teams and athletes attend competitions local and national as well as providing an end of season celebration.
How is athlete placement determined?
We primarily place an athlete on a team based on age in each division, their tumbling skills, and the stunt positions that are needed for each team. As for tumbling, because an athlete has a level specific tumbling does not always warrant an athlete to be placed on a certain team. There are many factors that play into team placement. It is mandatory for all SSCC athletes, (besides our Tiny Team, The Sparkletts), to participate in their enrolled tumbling class to increase their knowledge, safety and progression. Team placement is not always permanent. An athlete can be moved at an time to any team upon the discretion of SSCC Team Placement Director. The teams and the ages are located under the Team Page.
Are parents allowed to watch during practice?
When we are in our practice lesson locations, we utilize pretty much every inch of the space we have for our teams to practice. Therefore, parents/guardians/friends are not allowed to stay and watch their athlete practice. It is also against our insurance policy to allow non-insured individuals on the blue or purple practice mats which are laid out across our practice area. From time to time we would love to have the athletes show off their hard work so we may invite you in just a few minutes prior to the end of practice, with notice :-)
How can I get involved?
There are opportunities for involvement, from team parents, to committees for fundraising, competitions, hospitality and more! Please reach out to Coach Laura if you would like to get involved!
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